Hosting a Hugo site on GitHub's User Pages

This is the second half of my “Bootstrapping This Site” series. At the end of part one, we had hugo server generating a site for us on http://localhost:1313/ . In this second (shorter) article, I’ll discuss how to get that content pushed to a GitHub Pages user account with a custom domain. Happily, there are only a few steps and none of them are too difficult:

  1. Configure the custom domain’s DNS
  2. Add a CNAME file to the top-level of
  3. Put the Hugo-generated public files on

Configure the custom domain’s DNS

Github and David Singer both have good articles on DNS setup for GitHub Pages, but the action items are pretty simple: point my domain’s DNS records to GitHub’s servers, and set the CNAME record to $ Namecheap is my registrar, and both of these things can be done through their Dashboard > Manage domain > Advanced DNS page:

Add a CNAME file

GitHub Pages needs to know about the custom domain. Its custom domain docs say this is done with a CNAME file in the toplevel, and Hugo’s docs say to add it to the static directory. This is straightforward:

# add CNAME
~/s/charlesk-hugo> echo "$" > static/CNAME

# confirm it shows up in the toplevel
~/s/charlesk-hugo> hugo -t $yourtheme server
~/s/charlesk-hugo> wget -q localhost:1313/CNAME -O -

# add it
~/s/charlesk-hugo> git add static/CNAME
~/s/charlesk-hugo> git commit -m "add CNAME for github pages custom domain"

Put the Hugo-generated public files on

Since this is a User Pages site, rather than a project page, content must be served from’s master branch. For this step, I used the suggestions in Hugo’s tutorials, so I have two repos:

  1. holds my Hugo content (e.g. themes, markdown files, etc)

  2. holds the files generated by hugo; e.g. my website

  3. make a submodule in projectname-hugo/public, e.g.:

    $ cd projectname-hugo
    $ git submodule add -b master public
  1. Now when content is generated into public/ by hugo, we can add-commit-push it to make the changes go live. A simple chmod +x script makes this easier:

echo -e "\033[0;32mDeploying updates to GitHub...\033[0m"

# Build the project.
hugo # if using a theme, replace by `hugo -t <yourtheme>`

# Go To Public folder
cd public
# Add changes to git.
git add -A

# Commit changes.
msg="rebuilding site `date`"
if [ $# -eq 1 ]
  then msg="$1"
git commit -m "$msg"

# Push source and build repos.
git push origin master

# Come Back
cd ..
  1. ./ "Your optional commit message" to send changes to <username> (careful, you may also want to commit changes on the <your-project>-hugo repo).

That’s it! That’s how I generated the pages you’re reading now.
